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Onsite Classes

These classes are available for organizations to book at their facility or other location.

Delegates learn various systems for remembering strings of numbers, lists, facts, scripts, speeches, presentations and more. Includes our Spaced Repetition study method and Info-Mapping.

Who would benefit? Anyone needing instant and accurate recall of account numbers, telephone numbers, coding, pin numbers, and all of the above.

Course Length: 3 hours (requires practice after course for mastery).

Whatever you need to remember, we have techniques to help.

Do you want to remember:

       Lists? (groceries, longest rivers, procedures, etc.)

       Numbers? (phone, credit card, insurance, etc.)

       Names? (connect the name with the face)

       Facts? (for exams, presentations, quizzes, etc.)

       Speeches? (topics, quotes, statistics, facts, etc.)

       Jokes? (beginning, middle bits, punch line)

We do one-day workshops that can cover it all.

Amazingly, these techniques are easy to learn and work brilliantly!

SuperMemory Description - ONSITE

SuperReading      SuperMemory      Goal Achievement      Time Management      Presentation Skills      Networking     

Communication Skills      Effective Relationships      Creative Thinking      Negotiating      SuperSales      Report Writing

SuperReading is a comprehensive course which provides the tools for absorbing and retaining large amounts of information in less time. Work-related materials may be read in class.

Delegates experience a steady improvement in their reading and learning abilities. Testing provides measurable proof of the upward trend of their improvement. Graduates agree that reading is more enjoyable, as well as more efficient with these powerful, yet easy-to-learn techniques. Includes some powerful memory techniques. Guaranteed to at least double incoming abilities.

SuperReading is NOT SPEED READING. These skills take you FAR BEYOND traditional speed reading.

Research shows us that skills like these, though simple to understand, take time to embody and use consistently (weeks). Most people who attend a one day workshop rarely use the skills they’ve learned. Those who do only use them to about 20% of their potential. We STAY WITH YOU long enough to ensure that YOU’VE GOT IT. And we do that for less money than the one-day workshops.

SuperReading is a sensible, practical program that is EASY TO LEARN and shows QUICK RESULTS. There’s a complete testing package so you always know where you stand. Included is The SuperMemory Module for when you need to recall items in order. We teach a whole strategy for recalling facts and information that makes learning easy, fast and FUN! Also, you get The Rep Test. This five-minute exercise tells you what kind of learner you are (Visual, Auditory, or Kinaesthetic; or combination) AND comes with a training package to improve all of those areas.

We focus mostly on Comprehension and Accuracy. The speed is there, but what good is speed if you don’t recall what you read?

QUESTION: Did you ever get to the end of reading something, and discover that you remember almost nothing of what you just read?! With SuperReading, after the first couple of days, that will virtually never happen again. What is that, alone, worth to you?

We Guarantee you will more than double your present abilities. Most people see a three to five fold increase in six to twelve weeks.

Who would benefit?

Business professionals (Managers, Engineers, Scientists, Admins), Government Employees, Salesmen, Students, Entrepreneurs who read at least 4 hours per week (emails, memos, reports, journals, correspondence, classes). Allows more time for starting (and finishing) projects.

Dyslexics have seen amazing results from SuperReading.

Course Length:

University / School: 6 classes that meet once a fortnight. The classes are 3 hours in length. Class time can be reduced, with less time to practise.

Corporate: SuperReading can also be delivered in one intensive day with some SuperMemory. It depends on how much practice time is involved.

Public or Corporate:  One 3-hour intensive session. Little practice time, but all the pertinent information is covered. Email support is included for any questions (no time limit).

SuperReading Description - ONSITE

Learn all the latest and greatest techniques and tools for setting meaningful, exciting goals. Then learn how to achieve those goals! This program is filled with amazing insights and exercises to understand yourself and gain a more balanced life. You will learn important techniques for “getting out of your own way”. Have you heard about visualization? We’ll teach you how to be a Master! 25 years of research and working with thousands of people has resulted in this unique collection of knowledge, tools and techniques.

Who would benefit? Anyone needing to get more from life, work and everything else.

Course Length: 3 hours (requires personal follow-up after class for mastery).

                       Full day

                       A series of half-day workshops to ensure long-term success

Whatever you need to achieve, we have techniques to get you there.

These techniques are easy to learn and work brilliantly when applied consistently.

If interested we can also teach “Co-Creative Thinking” techniques. Some people consider this a more “spiritual” approach, akin to concepts revealed in “The Secret” and other similar works. These tools are very powerful, but we understand that not everyone is prepared for such information.

Goal Achievement Description - ONSITE

Time Management

Delegates learn how to track their time, understand their daily and weekly rhythms and save time. Includes organization skills, working around interruptions, avoiding procrastination, filing, handling E-mails and forward planning. This is a standard time management course with a few special twists around visualization and “The Daily Script Card.”

Includes many stress reduction techniques as well.

Who would benefit?  Anyone needing to get on track with their time.

Course Length: 3 hours (requires personal follow-up after class for mastery).

                       Full day

Time Management Description - ONSITE

Delegates learn how to put together effective presentations and deliver their message with appropriate power and result. We cover everything from how to stand, use a podium, PowerPoint, eye contact, seating arrangements, working with large audiences, making your point, handling nerves, handouts, taking questions and a number of strategies for delivering a memorable, informative presentation.

Who would benefit? Anyone needing to make a strong impression when presenting to groups or individuals. Those who have fear when presenting before a group of people, from five to five hundred.

Course Length: Two days (not necessarily together, allowing for practice and feedback).

                       Can be delivered in one day, if 6 people or less, with less practice time.

Suggestion: The SuperMemory Course can be a powerful adjunct.

Presentation Skills Description - ONSITE

Delegates learn the do’s and don’ts of effective networking. How to meet and greet, the right attitude, levels of involvement, finding the right group(s), connecting with the right people, and keep track of the people you meet.

Who would benefit? Anyone needing to spread a message and get people involved in their cause. Those people who wish to widen their circles of influence and build meaningful relationships amongst their peers.

Course Length: One day.

Suggestion: This is a great class to combine with SuperMemory - especially Remembering People’s Names.

Networking Skills Description - ONSITE

 “I am the Senior Engineer of Apple Computer’s Global Response Team. The SuperReading course has helped us to more than quadruple our productivity.

       Thank you for offering such a useful tool which has made our jobs so much more fulfilling."

David Lake, Senior Engineer, Apple Computer Global Response Team

“I found the memory room has the greatest use and I will use it in the future. Ron is a really good instructor, who has a passion for what he is teaching. ”

Karla Alford, Lloyds TSB


Thank you for working with my group. The skills you taught helped us pull off a small miracle that saved the company a major client worth 21% of our business.
     There were 13 teams working on the solution, and we had the fewest people and the least amount of technical expertise. Against the odds, we were not only the one team that came up with a viable solution, but we did it two weeks ahead of the deadline!
     I wanted to let you know that everyone agrees that your efforts truly made a difference.”

Thank you again, Gary Robertson, Applied Materials

“Lots of good ideas for managing our time better. I especially like the little cards. I will take this advice to heart and begin implementing tomorrow. I’m actually looking forward to tracking my time and getting my Emails sorted. All ideas were well presented.”
- Stephen Brown

“I was a bundle of fear before this class. We had to give a 3 minute speech about ourselves, and after 30 seconds I burst into tears and had to sit down. Now it’s five months later and I’ve become our company spokesperson. Nobody can believe the difference! I’ve been promoted twice since then. How can I ever thank you enough? You created a safe place to learn and practice. That made a lot of difference. Thank you.
-Susan Barnes

“Thank you for helping me understand what networking is all about. I will admit I had been doing it wrong for a long time. Now I’ve decided where to put my efforts and have gotten more involved. My connection and COI’s are blossoming!”
- Joe Potter, IT Industry

The latest and best practice for effectively communicating with colleagues, customers, family and friends. Includes how to meet people, establish rapport and earn trust. We look into NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming), Transactional Analysis and do some role play.
Lots of great hands-on exercises. We also spend time on written communication, phone etiquette and body language. We also touch on some cross cultural differences and customs.

Who would benefit? Anyone who feels their “message” does not get across well to others, or gets unpredictable reactions from others.

Course Length: One day

Effective Communication Description - ONSITE

“The methods taught were remarkably simple and effective. With a bit of practise I finally got up enough courage to try them out, and was better understood and listened to. Now I understand why my efforts fell on deaf ears for so many years. Thank you.”
- Carol Seifert

Delegates learn how to communicate with others in a genuine, meaningful way. This workshop can be for coworkers, couples, or anyone who wants to understand others and how to reach them at a deeper level. Recommended that people come in pairs, though any combination will work, including solo. Be prepared for full, honest disclosure for both parties.

Role Play is also used when appropriate.

While we do not guarantee results on the day, we prefer people use real issues rather than theoretical concepts, which are interesting, but lack the energy required to make significant breakthroughs and insights.

Who would benefit? Anyone needing to move toward a more meaningful, honest relationship with other individuals.

Course Length: One day

Effective Relationships Description - ONSITE

“Understanding why people behave as they do was a real insight. I am now much more forgiving, although I do stand up for myself more! My relationship with my coworker has never been better. We can really talk WITH each other, instead of AT each other. This has made an enormous difference to our work environment. Many thanks”
- Jan Silvestry IT Sector

Delegates learn how to think outside the box, and then outside the cube. Includes problem solving, Ideation (brainstorming), Brain Blooming and both individual and group creativity exercises. We look at a multitude of methods to get the brain working better, including a module on self hypnosis!

We do a number of hands-on exercises to bring out the creative juices. Delegates also learn to trust their intuition, which has been associated with the “right side” of the brain. The atmosphere in class is one of discovery with no judgment (one of the “enemies” of creativity!). It’s a fun day which will yield practical creativity for years to come.

We have found that unleashing creativity can result in knock-on effects in all areas of life, though especially at work. Be prepared for benefits to many parts of the work experience.

Who would benefit? Anyone needing to solve problems or come up with new, innovative ideas that make a difference.

Course Length: One day

Creative Thinking Description - ONSITE

“As a result of this class, ideas have been flowing in the office fast and furious. The quality of our thinking has improved a lot. In some ways it’s even given us some new directions to follow. Our meetings are far more vibrant now! I never thought I’d say that...”
- Cassie Millar    
Recreation Industry

The basics of good negotiation are covered in this course, along with some nuances not always associated with negotiation. Not only will you learn WHAT to do, but what to avoid AND what to watch out for from your counterpart. We’ve taken “Win-Win” to a new level. This course includes pertinent information on goal achievement and NLP, including tips on persuasion, body language, communication and goal setting.

We’ve tried to put together a more holistic approach to meaningful, productive negotiation. The thrust of the techniques are to build relationships, trust, and make the entire process more conducive to to ethical business practices.

Who would benefit? Anyone involved in tactical negotiation (individual and team), and anyone looking to be more effective in their private life as well when dealing with friends, family, sales people, etc. These are great skills to have for simply “negotiating life.”

Course length: One full day

Negotiation Skills Description - ONSITE

“The negotiation techniques you taught me helped me make an extra 1.2 million dollars on one deal. I’d say that was worth it! Thanks a million!”
-Dr. Mark Congress
(Health Care Industry)

Are you selling products or services? We’ve combined goal achievement with selling for a winning combination. Learn everything from building rapport to handshaking to closing techniques. If you are in sales, these ideas are worth thousands and thousands to you. Maybe more.

We include some techniques from Goal Achievement, Negotiation and sometimes Remembering Names.

“The best investment you will ever make is in your self.”

Who would benefit? Anyone needing to get more from their sales efforts.

Course Length: One Full day

Suggestion: The Goal Achievement course is a brilliant adjunct, as the two have some worthwhile overlap.


SuperSales Description - ONSITE

Dear Ron,
Your help with my sales training has been invaluable. I don’t even know where to start in explaining the impact this has had for me. Before we worked together I was unfocused, unmotivated and operating in a non-productive manner.
I’m following the “Recipe for Success” every day and the rewards are mounting up. My treasure map has been fulfilled and we’re having to hire more people as a result of my success.
I’m getting bigger clients and we’re making greater profit. All the things I’ve been doing to re-program myself are paying off!  How can I ever thank you? I can’t, really. So, thanks a million will have to do!
Robert May, Senior Sales Manager, NetMagic, Inc.

Report Writing

Delegates learn strategies and specifics for writing effective reports that get read and invite action. Numerous exercises hone drafting, writing and editing skills. This unique multi-stage writing process saves time and results in clear, concise communication.

Surprisingly to delegates, the multi-stage approach saves time, reduces stress and results in more effective text. We invite delegates to bring in examples of reports they have done, along with reports they have either started or are planning. Amazingly, we often a reduction in total words used from 50 to 65%. In one particular class in 2013, a delegate did a “before and after” word count, and had reduced his report to exactly one third of its original length!

Who would benefit? Anyone getting negative or neutral feedback on their written reports. Those who need to stop waffling and get to the point.

Course Length: One day.

Report Writing Description - ONSITE

“My reports are now about one third the size they were before this class. The feedback I’ve gotten is so positive. People are actually reading my documents! This class worked wonders. It’s taking me far less time to do a far better job of it. Thank you.”
- John Astin, The BBC

























This public course is a combination of the best of what we do.

If you cannot make up your mind as to what you would like to learn about, or if it all interests you, then this is the class for you!

Do you want to learn about:

       Speed Reading?




       Time Management?

       Anything else?

During the three hours we will take your questions, concerns and interests and give you the best of what we have. We will come prepared to follow an agenda, though your input will play a major role in what we cover.

Now, if you’re the kind of person who likes predictability and wants to know exactly what’s going to transpire, then I have one of two suggestions:
1.  Bring along a list of specific things you want answers to…
2.  Take a chance that something surprising will happen that is better than you thought.

The cost for this 3-Hour workshop is £100. Advance payment can be made here.

Combo - Class      ONSITE

I really look forward to our sessions each week. Whatever is going on in my life, I KNOW that you’ll get this gleam in your eye and reach into your toolbox and pull out some amazing tool or exercise that will seem custom-made for my situation. You’re so predictable! Thank God!    - Rob G.


We’re a small UK-based training company specializing in personal and business development. Alchemy Training provides useful tools to make you more productive. To us, that means getting more done in less time with higher quality. All our tools and ideas are easy to learn and apply. Our fees are fair; not the highest, not the lowest. I am very happy and excited to be offering both Online Courses and Classroom learning to organizations. We can also hold classes via the Internet!If you want to achieve your goals, this is your best opportunity.




- Contact Us -

UK Phone: +44 (0)7738 666511

Email:  info@alchemy.name

Skype: roncole42

We do NOT share your info.

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Goal Achievement

Presentation Skills

Networking Skills

Effective Communication

Effective Relationships


Negotiating Skills

Creative Thinking