Powerful Products for Powerful Results
Back in 1995, I developed a program to help people read faster, more accurately and remember more. As greater numbers of people came through the course, some of them reported being dyslexic. I didn’t know much about dyslexia back then, but offered the same guarantee to at least double their incoming reading abilities. To their surprise, these people often became the best readers in that particular group.
In 2008 I had the pleasure and good fortune to meet Dr. Ross Cooper of London South Bank University. I told Dr. Cooper about the results I had achieved with dyslexics, though he was quite sceptical. We ran a test group and the results were what I had seen before. Since then, Dr. Cooper has run several courses and taught others to teach it as well. The results have been improving, and according to Dr. Cooper, most anyone entering this program will achieve these results if they practice the techniques. In his opinion, “It is only a matter of time and effort.”
SuperReading has a proven track record for helping dyslexic (and dyspraxic) readers make advancements in comprehension, speed and recall not previously seen. The measurable results, as verified by studies at LSBU*, have resulted in the course being fully funded by Student Finance England for dyslexic university students.
SuperReading is NOT SPEED READING.
Combined with our SuperMemory tools, SuperReading gives dyslexic readers the skills they need to compete equally in our competitive world. In fact, many of our readers end up with Reading Effectiveness scores surpassing those of non-
We focus mostly on Comprehension and Accuracy. The speed is there, but what good is speed if you don’t recall what you read?
It is our patented Eye-
Who would benefit?
Anyone who has been diagnosed as dyslexic. We have also found that SuperReading is effective with ADHD** and other learning challenges, though these have not been independently verified.
Course Length:
Six classes that meet once a fortnight. The classes are 3 hours in length. Class time can be reduced with less time to practise.
* London South Bank University
** Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
SuperReading & Dyslexia
We compare “speed reading” to driving. Imagine driving north at 100mph. The road is free of traffic on a clear day. You think to yourself, “I’m making great time!”
But then you realise you’re actually travelling south! Are you still making great time?
No. You’re going the wrong way.
Reading fast without the proper tools is pointless. It’s just a waste of your time. With the SuperReading skills, all your reading time is productive. You are always going “the right way.”
Here is a sample “Heat Map” of a dyslexic reader BEFORE SuperReading. The difference between this and the one above should be shocking.
Here is a sample “Heat Map” of a non-
This is part of an Italian study at the University of Milan.
Here is a sample “Heat Map” of a dyslexic reader AFTER SuperReading. The dramatic differences demonstrate the progress we’ve been seeing since 1995.
Here is a graph showing the progress of seven university students in 2014.
The blue represents their combined ability just starting the course.
The red shows their abilities just after the course.
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Email: ron.cole231@outlook.com
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