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Let’s say you needed to learn a pin code.

Debit cards have 4 digits.

Example: 4478

We know the letters are: F F L B

It would be cumbersome to do:

Fire, Fire, Lorry, Bear

That’s 4 items to recall instead of 2.

So here’s how we do it:

Example: 4479

We know the letters are: F F L P

Skipping ahead a bit, the FF is…

Fifi, a French Poodle.

You see her at the cash machine.

She is pressing the buttons with her…


So we have Fifi (44) using her Lip (79)

Longer numbers have a longer story.

All you need to do is string the words into a funny story connected to the Subject.

Instead of struggling to memorise numbers, just review your story until you KNOW IT.





4757  4600  1417  3121

First let’s break it down into twos:

47    57    46        00           14      17   31    21
Fly  Seal  Fog  Spectacles  Toffee  Trial  Mat  Net

Let’s say this is your long card number for RBS (The Royal Bank of Scotland)
First we need a SYMBOL for RBS. It could be a kilt, or William Wallace from the movie Braveheart. Let’s go with a kilt.

The cash machine is wearing a kilt. A big FLY lands on it, and is soon eaten by a SEAL, which opens it’s mouth and FOG comes out, fogging your SPECTACLES. You take them off and see that TOFFEE is stuck to them! You put them down and a judge bangs his gavel on them (a TRIAL). The pieces fall onto a MAT, which you cover with a NET.

Repeat that story over and over again. SAY the code words so they sink in. Use Spaced Repetition to make it relatively permanent.

STORY FOR 0 - 9:

I was walking along and came to a huge DOOR.

I went through and was standing in black, sticky TAR.

Someone else is there- sandals, toga, fiddle… It’s NERO, and he’s fiddling while Rome burns.

We look to our left and see a gigantic MIRROR.

Out from the mirror comes all this FIRE!

It’s doused by a giant SHOE which falls from the sky.

Floating out of the shoe is a GURU.

He floats over to a big LORRY.

Out from the truck comes a huge BEAR.

He is eating a large PEAR.

Each of those words will represent the number whose letter they begin with.
Memorize the story and the words will always come to you quickly. The rest of the words are below:

10  TOAD

11  TUT


13  TEAM


15  TOYS

16  TUG


18  TUB


20  NERD

21  NET

22  NUN

23  NEMO

24  NIFE


26  NAG

27  NAIL

28  NIB

29  NAP

30  MUD

31  MAT

32  MINE




36  MUG

37  MOLE

38  MOB

39  MOP

40  FRED

41  FOOT

42  FAN

43  FOAM

44  FIFI

45  FUSE

46  FOG

47  FLY

48  FOB

49  FOP

50  SEED

51  SUIT

52  SUN

53  SUMO

54  SAFE

55  SOS


57  SEAL


59  SOAP


61  GOAT

62  GUN

63  GUM

64  GAFF



67  GLUE

68  GRUB


70  LADY

71  LOOT

72  LION

73  LIMO

74  LEAF


76  LOG


78  LAB

79  LIP

80  BED

81  BAT

82  BARN

83  BUM

84  BEEF

85  BUS

86  BAG

87  BELL

88  BABY


90  POD

91  POT


93  PRAM

94  PUFF


96  PIG

97  POOL

98  PUB

99  PIPE

100  DUD

101  DART

102  DUNE

103  DAM

104  DWARF

105  DISCO

106  DOG

107  DOLL

108  DERBY

109  DRAPE

10 - 19

A giant TOAD hops along.

He grows and turns into King TUT.

TUT boards a TRAIN. Looking for a seat, TUT sees

his favourite TEAM! (football, rugby, cricket, baseball)

The TEAM is chewing stretchy TOFFEE.

They take the TOFFEE and form it into TOYS.

One of the TOYS is a TUG boat. The TUG grows to life size.

On board, a judge bangs his gavel. It’s a TRIAL.

The judge is tired, and gets in a nice TUB.

But the TUB cools, and he moves it into a warm TEEPEE

She gets tired and lays down for a NAP.

20 - 29

There’s a NERD with taped glasses & pocket protector,

He throws a big NET, and it lands on a

NUN. The NUN reaches into her robe,

and finds NEMO, who jumps into the ocean and grabs a

NIFE from a diver.

The NIFE spins into a NOOSE.

Along comes an old NAG, and puts her head through it.

She steps on a big NAIL, which goes through her hoof.

She mistakes it for a NIB, on the end of a pen, and starts writing.

She gets tired and lays down for a NAP.

30 - 39

I come through my door and there’s MUD all over.

I lay down a MAT to cover it, then discover…

There’s a MINE sticking out from underneath!

I wrap myself for protection, and becomes the MUMMY!

The wraps become a pinstripe suit- I’m the MAFIA.

A MOUSE runs from my hat onto my machine gun.

The MOUSE has a MUG of tea.

There’s a MOLE in the tea, feeling with his paws.

He hears something- it’s a MOB!

The tea spills and the MOB cleans it up with a MOP.

40 - 49

I see FRED Flintstone. He’s holding a club.

He drops it on his FOOT. It turns red hot,

So he cools it with a FAN.

It’s infected and strange FOAM comes out.

The FOAM morphs into a French poodle named FIFI.

FIFI’s tail looks like a FUSE, so FRED lights it.

The FUSE burns down, and FOG comes out.

The FOG smells bad, and flies swarm over. A big FLY grows.

The FLY attacks FRED. He fends it off with his key FOB (stone)

He has new leopard skins, and doesn’t want the flies on it. He is acting like a FOP!

50 - 59

There’s a giant SEED, like a pumpkin seed.

We decide to pull it on like a SUIT.

But the SUN is so hot, it shrinks down, and now we’re a…

big SUMO wrestler.

We want to hide the SEED, so we break into a SAFE

 We turn the dials and open it, but it’s alarmed.

The SAFE sends out an SOS. Bee bee beep. SOS! SOS!

Who hears it? The SARGE! He comes running to the rescue.

But an angry SEAL is guarding the SAFE! He’s barking!

The SARGE pulls out his SABRE.

The SABRE is dirty, so he cleans it with a bar of SOAP.

60 - 69

At Buckingham Palace, we see a GUARD.

A GOAT comes over to eat his big black hat.

The GUARD hits the GOAT with his GUN.

But the GOAT starts chewing it like GUM, and blows a bubble.

The GUARD takes a GAFF and breaks it.

 His hat falls off and a GOOSE is there!

The GOOSE runs off into our GARAGE.

There’s GLUE all over – the GOOSE gets GLUE in its feathers.

He comes out and eats a big GRUB.

He jumps in a pond and becomes a GUPPY.

70 - 79

LADY sold her muzzle and got bags of…

LOOT. She took it to a bank that had a

stone LION in front. The LION got up and jumped into a…

LIMO. The LIMO started driving away, when…

A big LEAF got stuck on the windscreen.

The LION grabbed the LEAF and used it like a LASSO.

It LASSOed a  big LOG.

The LOG fell over onto a LILLY pad.

The LILLY was so sturdy, we took it back to the LAB to study it.

It looked yummy, so we touched it to our LIP.

80 - 89

I’m waking up in my big BED.

I lift the covers and a BAT flies out!

The BAT flies into a big red BARN.

A BUM was in there. The BUM walks out, sees a cow,

And shouts, “BEEF!”

The BEEF wants to escape, and jumps on a BUS.

He put the BEEF and the BUS in a huge BAG.

But the BEEF shakes and rings it BELL.

The loud BELL wakes a BABY, who screams.

The wah wah wah becomes ah ah ah, like a BEEPER.

90 - 99

There’s a giant pea POD.

To cook it, I put the POD in a big POT.

It’s cooking on top of a grand PIANO.

I start pushing it and the PIANO turns into a PRAM.

Flying out of the PRAM is PUFF the magic dragon!

PUFF is being chased by a POSSE!

He disguises himself as a PIG. (puts on a pig nose)

To escape, he jumps into a POOL.

They give up, and go to a PUB.

After drinking, they all light up a PIPE.

100 - 109

A missile has landed- it’s a DUD.

We pick it up and throw it like a DART.

We miss and it lands in a big sand DUNE.

The DUNE hardens and it grows into a DAM.

Standing atop the DAM is Happy the DWARF.

He starts dancing to a DISCO light!

He is joined by Pluto the DOG.

Then he realises the DOG is just a DOLL.

So he puts on a DERBY (hat).

The shows over, so he closes the DRAPE.


1  TAR









There are TWO ways to learn this system:

1.  Memorize all the stories first- and then begin to use it.

2.  Print out all the codes and learn them as you go along- as you need them. If you choose this way, make sure you know the basic digits completely.