Have you ever noticed how some letters are confused with numbers?
What makes that happen?
It’s their shape.
A ‘5’ can be mistaken for a…
A ‘6’ can be mistaken for a…
Let’s use this to our advantage.
Let’s learn a system based on the shape of numbers.
Each number will be represented by a letter,
Which will represent a word,
Which will be easier to remember!
Some numbers, like ‘5’ and ‘6’ can be obvious.
How about this one… “8”
If you soften the left side, it looks like an
Now, same principle, what about ‘0”? (zero)
Straighten the left side and it makes a…
Okay, so how about an ‘3’?
Rotate it clockwise- it becomes an…
There’s some letters we don’t use, because they’re hard to make enough words with.
An example is “Z”- it’s NOT used.
So, if we rotate the number ‘2’ cw…
We get a…
We’re getting there!
Next, let’s look at the ‘7’.
Rotate it upside down… it’s an…
The next one’s tougher. Flip ‘9’ sideways.
You get a…
This next one’s different.
Take a ‘1’ and extend the top bit…
You get a …
Okay, last number. Toughest one.
It’s the ‘4’.
Rotate it cw.
Can you see it?
It’s an…
So now we have our basic digits:
0 – 9, or D - P
From these we can build words, which will represent those numbers.
Words are easier to recall than numbers.
Words form Pictures, which are easy!
Now we need to assign WORDS to the LETTERS.
This has been thought through for you.
There is a rhyme and reason.
All you need to do is memorise the words and then make up stories with them.
It’s fun and easy.
Here is your list of numbers and their assigned letters:
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
We use stories to help us remember the words. Each story will cover 10 words. Memorize the story and you will know the words. Then, all you need to do to recall long chains of numbers is make up a simple, funny story with the words that represent those numbers!
On the next page you will see examples of how to apply this principle. First, let’s look at a story to help you remember the first ten digits (zero through nine).
The letter ‘R’ is a place holder with no value.