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Creating bedtime Stories Cover

A book teaching you (or any carer)  how to tell creative bedtime stories to children. Get them involved and smooth out bedtime. This book contains all the insights you need to create intriguing stories that capture the imagination, teach lessons, and make bedtime a stress-free tradition your children and you will cherish.

Storytime Cover
Paperback Edition

Super Reader_3a

The book became  available on 1 October, 2009. It contains everything you would get in the class except a reading coach watching you! If you have questions, we provide full E-mail support. You may order the book for £15 (includes shipping in the UK).

If you would like it signed, let us know to whom!



Description: SuperReading® is a comprehensive course which provides the tools for absorbing and retaining large amounts of information in less time. Work-related materials may be read in class.
Experience a steady improvement in your reading and learning abilities. Testing provides measurable proof of the upward trend of their scores. Graduates agree that reading is more enjoyable, as well as more efficient with these powerful, yet easy-to-learn techniques. Includes powerful memory techniques. Guaranteed to at least double incoming abilities.

Who would benefit?

Business professionals (Managers, Engineers, Scientists, Admins), Government Employees, Students, Entrepreneurs who read at least 4 hours per week (emails, memos, reports, journals, correspondence, classes). Allows more time for starting (or finishing) projects.


Chrysalis Goal Achievement

Description: This is a transformational course highlighting the best goal achievement techniques available. You will learn dozens of powerful techniques to clarify your goals and “get out of your own way.” You will be better organised, motivated and develop stronger relationships through better understanding and communication. Anything you want to achieve will happen sooner with less stress. We take SMART goals several steps further, with the more powerful IMSMARTERTM Goals.

Who would benefit? Anyone feeling they don’t have enough time, are unfocused or feel situations get out of control. Anyone who wants to achieve far more than they do today.


How to Remember Names & Faces

Description: You will be able to recall names and faces for both short term and long term. You can also remember other details like professions, hobbies, etc.

Who would benefit? Anyone who would find it an advantage to easily and accurately recall people’s name and details (salesmen, managers, networkers, etc).


How to Remember Numbers

Description: Learn an easy system for remembering strings of numbers.

Who would benefit? Anyone needing instant recall of account numbers, telephone numbers, coding, pin numbers, etc.


How to Visualize Success

Description: Delegates learn how to become brilliant at creating, manipulating and holding imagery in their mind. This is a key component to improving performance and achieving goals. Areas of benefit include meetings, projects, communication, people skills and growth.

Who would benefit? People who want to achieve more in less time with less stress.


How to Win at Every Sport

Description: Do you want to totally outperform your previous best? Do you want to dominate your competition? If so, the strategies in this course will help you do that.

Who would benefit? Anyone who plays a competitive sport, either contact or non-contact. Examples: golf, tennis, darts, football, billiards, martial arts- it doesn’t matter. Although there are specific strategies for specific sports, the real gems are the overall methods of boosting performance beyond your previous achievements. Time frame? The next time you play!


How to Negotiate 

Description: Learn the art of Triple-Win NegotiationTM. We get great feedback on these strategies.

Who would benefit: Anyone who needs to make deals while building relationships, from shopping to large corporate deals.


PLEASE NOTE: Each purchase is a license
for ONE person to use the program. 

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Alchemy Training Unlimited

Powerful Training. Powerful Results.

M  44(0)7738 666511
W 44(0)1243 552390
